Wednesday, January 17, 2007

austin, texas

cafe in austin with the ladies
Originally uploaded by saritabhatt.

is a beautiful city and took me by surprise. for many reasons....mainly because i was able to meet anika sejpal-sharma (or is it sharma-sejpal?) and learn a lot about loons...and various shapes and sizes. it's amazing to watch how the people in your life evolve around you into something mother and fatherhood....guess i'm just lucky be surrounded and surprised by life and its many paths.

as a city, austin took me by surprise. i had never been to texas and generally imagined it as a place that was flat, dry and filled with cattle. austin has mountain, an eclectic feel and a surprising obsession with yoga/meditation/zen. i'll add it to the list of city that i could see myself in one far its seattle, austin, portland, san fran and brooklyn.

couch potato on Vimeo

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