Friday, February 2, 2007

madhu's scar face

Madhu's threading salon is located on 6th Ave and Christopher Street in the West Village. I've been there before to get my eyebrows threaded. While they aren't the best, they aren't the worst and if you're in the West Village it's convenient. But now I want to sue them. Although, that is fairly useless answer to my current problems because I doubt they would even be worth the story.

Went to Madhu's this week to get some threading done. I don't go often enough to keep my gorilla-like hairy self neatly trimmed, which is a problem in itself but that is neither here nor there. Anyhow, my skin was tingly and felt a little rubber-like when i walked out of there...and my bare/hairless face hit that cold cold cold cold cold air...but i assumed that I was just being extra sensitive since I had gone for the hair removal treatment in a long time.

Well I woke up the next AM to this:

A horror show on my face. scarred and scraped. painful and scabby...and aside from some calamine and/or neosporin, there isn't much I can do about it. I am furious, feel like an ass and am just generally wondering why on earth I go through this painful hair removal ritual at all...especially when something like this happens. I'd rather have my hair and not these scars. I'd rather just own my gorilla self. I feel battered (and look it to). I am scarface. And it ain't cute.


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